In Thailand, there are movements supported by political parties to legalize prostitution in the country. However, these parties fail to understand the nature of prostitution and the actual repercussions of legalizing it. They argue that it is a free choice of individuals and an honest job that can protect the prostitutes. They also believe that it is a skilled profession that should be honored and valued like any other profession.
However, most prostitutes in Thailand enter the industry because of financial factors such as debt, poverty, abusive families, and social problems in their communities. In other words, they are coerced into prostitution through economic and social coercion. The phrase “free choice” is often used to suggest that prostitutes are selling their bodies and that no one, including parents and family members, should complain or express any moral opinions on the matter. But in reality, they are selling their bodies to people in society while rejecting any responsibility for their actions. This degrades society and promotes vulnerable people to enter the cycle, ultimately rejecting the fundamental unit of society – family. Parents should not accept their children’s choice to become prostitutes and should actively discourage them.
Even though prostitution is illegal in Thailand, it is still widely spread. This is because of financial, poverty, and social coercion. Prostitution is not a victimless crime, and the people of society are the solid victims. Experienced prostitutes often know that their clients have families and are cheating on their spouses. They reject any accountability for their actions and claim that the clients come to them by themselves. This is not a valid claim, as it suggests that cheaters who have affairs or adulterous relationships do not need to take accountability. By claiming that this illegal activity is an honest job, they are perpetuating a lie and promoting unethical behavior.
Legalizing prostitution is not the answer to protecting prostitutes. A government that crafts the path to prostitution for people in financial and social desperate needs is like a pimp government selling its citizens’ dignity and bodies to sexual violators and collecting income from prostitutes. When prostitutes get into a private vehicle, place, or room, the chance of exploitation increases significantly. Legalizing prostitution does not make it safer, but it increases the chances of exploitation and infection. Infected prostitutes will not be able to do other jobs easily and may resort to bribing authorities or conducting prostitution illegally, which only makes the situation worse.
Prostitution requires very little skill, but it demands a mind that accepts or surrenders to be abused and violated. If we categorize the ability to accept and surrender to be abused and violated as a job skill, it is a clear indication of society’s worst degradation.
Many political parties promoting the legalization of prostitution claim that it has honor, just like any other career. However, they lack an understanding of how human society is constructed and the stigma of prostitution. If they genuinely believe that prostitution is like any other job and has the same honor, why don’t they become prostitutes or encourage their sons and daughters to become prostitutes? The answer is that they are not poor like the real people who are coerced into prostitution, and they do not want to lose their dignity and honor. It is an oxymoron to promote the legalization of prostitution while claiming that it has honor.