Individuals who profit from the exploitation of prostitutes are nothing more than pimps, and the fees they extract from prostitutes are simply a form of protection money. Governments that levy taxes on prostitution are complicit in this system of exploitation, effectively acting as pimp governments that require payment of a protection fee from prostitutes, or face punishment.
These countries that rely on the income from the prostitution industry are devaluing their own citizens and society, turning a blind eye to the rampant exploitation and abuse that takes place within their borders. It is a shameful and reprehensible practice for governments to profit from the sale of their own citizens’ bodies and dignity, effectively placing a price on the lives and well-being of those who are forced to work in the sex trade. We must work to end this harmful and exploitative system, providing support and resources for those who have been impacted by prostitution and working to build a more just and equitable society for all.