Happening in Thailand

Sex work is work


By using positive terms like "sex" and "work," they strive to create a positive association in people's minds.

Advocates and supporters of prostitution often employ euphemisms such as “sex work” and “sex worker” to rebrand and normalize prostitution. By using positive terms like “sex” and “work,” they strive to create a positive association in people’s minds.

However, the assertion that “sex work is work” is technically true but misleading. Prostitution is indeed a type of work, but not all forms of work are good or acceptable. For instance, pimping, drug dealing, and fraud are all forms of work, but that does not make them morally acceptable or legal.

The statement “sex work is work” is utilized to make prostitution appear like a legitimate and acceptable type of employment. However, the reality that it is a form of work does not justify its practice or legality.